In order to make your job easier as a coach, SOMO has put together training videos for specific sports and rules that are easier to understand by watching them in action. If you have an idea for a training video, please let us know.
If you want to download a copy of any of the videos below so you don't need internet to watch them, let us know.
3-on-3 rules
Individual & Team Skills
Individual and team assessments
Safety, etiquette, ramp and non-ramp techniques
Flag Football
Rules and techniques
Squat, bench press, deadlift, training schedules
Equipment, warm-ups, individual skills, short-court
Track & Field
Shot put, mini jav, softball throw, relays, long jump
Individual Skills
Warm Up Training Video
All Sports and Activities
2020 Virtual Camp
In June 2020, we were prepared to offer the very first Gary Brimer Sports Camp at the Training for Life Campus. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to change our plans. Instead, we offered a Virtual Sports Camp where our camp counselors produced videos on their sports and we showed multiple videos per day. Below is a collection of those videos categorized by activity. These can be great training videos for years to come, so please share them with athletes, coaches, and families alike!