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Tobin’s Take on Healthy Athletes: Day 3 of Competition

Team Missouri Health Messenger Allen Tobin poses for a picture at the ESPN Wide World of Sports on Monday, June 6, 2022.

I went to the healthy hearing this morning to keep my promise to the owner of Starkey hearing aides. She already knew I had hearing aids, but she told them to set me up with the best and top of the line hearing aids. I was asked to sit down and they took my other hearing aids out to look at them. They took the the ear pieces off my other hearing aids and started doing a few tests of my hearing to know how to program my new ones. Within 30 minutes, I was ready to walkout with new hearing aids that have a price of $8,000 for the pair, but I got them free.

I completed my fifth health discipline today – Fit Feet, Health promotion, Healthy hearing, Opening Eyes and Strong Minds – so I was eligible to go get a free pair of shoes. The Clinical Director of Fit Feet told me that I should get the brand Brooks athletics shoe, it would be the best one for me. There was a bunch of brands to pick from, but I picked the Brooks brand that I was told would be the best for me. Zappos is the company that been giving them away. Down in the Fan Zone, they where selling all the same shoes so I went to look at them before I got my free pair and I found out that the Brooks brand I was told to get was $140. But I got them free for going though five Healthy athlete disciplines.

So far, there have been seven members of Team Missouri that have received free shoes.

Like I have been saying Special Olympics has done so much for me that I will never be able to give back what they have gave me. That’s why I am all way willing to do what I can to show appreciation for everything I have been given.