SOMO Sum Ups: Oct. 24-30
Here’s a look back at all of the amazing Special Olympics Missouri (SOMO) events from October 24-30, 2023!
Training for Life Campus Weekly Events and Classes: October 24-27
Last week was the last full week of October events at the Training for Life Campus. Thank you to everyone who came out this month to join us for our music classes, open gym and workout classes!
Are you looking to attend some events in November? Check out these great classes and events:
KC Metro Unified Volleyball Intramural League: Tuesday, October 24
We had so much fun at the second KC Metro Unified Volleyball Intramural League with UMKC!
Don’t miss out on this fun opportunity! Click here to get involved with the next event.
Topgolf Tip-A-Cop: Friday, October 27 and Saturday, October 28
The Topgolf giving season is here! Our local law enforcement hosted a Tip-A-Cop on Oct. 27 and Oct. 28 in Chesterfield! All proceeds go to our SOMO athletes! Topgolf provided a commemorative trading pin to anyone who donated a minimum of $20 during the campaign. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported!
KC Metro Young Athletes Program: Friday, October 27
Last Friday was another great night of the KC Metro Young Athletes Program. Shout-out to SOAR Baseball for partnering with SOMO to host our 3-week Fall YAP! This is a FREE 3-week Program for children with and without intellectual disabilities between the ages of 2-7. Young Athletes introduces basic sport skills like running, kicking, and throwing. The Young Athletes Program offers families, teachers, caregivers, and people from the community the chance to share the joy of sports with all children. Each session will run from 5:30-6:15 p.m. Siblings are ENCOURAGED to participate!
If you missed last week’s, click here to see the next opportunity on November 3!
Fourth Annual Fall Tree Sale: Saturday, October 28
Our 4th Annual Fall Tree Sale was a HUGE SUCCESS, raising more than $15,000 for Special Olympics Missouri! Thank you to everyone who came out to support our SOMO athletes! Special thanks to Pea Ridge Nursery, Helmi’s Gardens, All-n-One Outdoor Solutions and Gardens to Go for donating the inventory!
Strikers for SOMO Bowling Tournament: Saturday, October 28
Our Second Annual Strikers for Bowling Tournament was a huge success! This was a Unified event, pairing SOMO athletes with intellectual disabilities and members of the community as teammates. This event provides a unique opportunity to raise awareness of SOMO, showing the abilities of our athletes and sharing a message of unity and inclusion through the sport of bowling. Amazing job to everyone who participated!
LETR Conference: Saturday, October 28
This past weekend, a group of 30 Missouri LETR folks traveled to Chicago for the International LETR Conference, and they were awarded the Diamond Award for raising over $1 million in 2022! Missouri has consistently been a $1 million dollar program for many years and we cannot thank our Law Enforcement friends enough for dedicating so much time and love to our SOMO athletes! Congratulations to each of you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Be sure to check out our SOMO calendar for all of our upcoming events! If you’d like to volunteer, visit our Volunteer Hub!