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RELEASE: SOMO gears up for 20th Annual Kansas City Polar Plunge

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KANSAS CITY – The 20th Annual Kansas City Polar Plunge will take place on Saturday, Jan. 27, 2024. Brave men and women from around the area will don Hawaiian-themed costumes and swimwear and take “polar” dips into Longview Lake. Their Reason for Freezin’ is the athletes of Special Olympics Missouri (SOMO)! All proceeds from this year’s event will benefit training and competition for the thousands of SOMO athletes across the state, including right here in the Kansas City Metro Area.

The Polar Plunge is open to anyone 10 years or older who is a fan of having a good time for a good cause. The event is hosted by the Kansas City and Lee’s Summit Police Departments and will take place at the Longview Lake Swim Beach at 11101 Raytown Rd., Kansas City, MO 64030. Day-of registration begins at 10 a.m., and the Plunge starts promptly at noon.

“The Polar Plunge is a treasured tradition for Special Olympics Missouri and seeing the community come together to support our athletes by taking the Plunge is amazing to watch,” Plunge Coordinator Christina McDonough Hunt said. “This year is our 20th year, and we hope that Kansas City shows up in a big way to help us celebrate!”

In 2023, Kansas City Polar Plungers raised more than $164,000 for SOMO athletes with over 500 plungers. Each participant must raise a minimum of $75 to take the Plunge and can earn incentives by reaching fundraising goals. This year’s goal is $170,000, and organizers hope to break the million-dollar mark across the state with more than 10 events.

SOMO is also offering a Super Plunge option for its most dedicated participants, beginning the day before the Kansas City Polar Plunge. Super Plungers must raise at least $2,500 for the privilege to Plunge 24 times in 24 hours. In 2023, the Kansas City Super Plungers raised a total of $58,785. The Super Plunge will begin on Friday, Jan. 26 at 10 a.m.

“Our Super Plungers are the plungers that have taken the plunge to another level,” McDonough Hunt said. “Their deep love for our athletes and SOMO’s mission drives them to raise thousands of dollars each year. Last year, we hosted 13 plungers and are on track to host even more this year. We are forever grateful for their commitment and love for our athletes and for SOMO.”

Awards will be given in the following categories for pre-registered Plungers only:

  • Top Fundraisers
  • Top Fundraising Group
  • Top Fundraising School

Costumes are highly encouraged. Awards for the most creative costumes will also be presented to the top group and top individuals!

No wet suits are allowed, and shoes are required.

The easiest and most efficient way to register and fundraise is online. Simply go to our online page to sign up! We encourage Plungers to email their friends and families to support their Plunge efforts. Paper registration forms are also available at the SOMO Kansas City Metro Area office at 9150 E 41st Terrace, Suite 213, Kansas City, MO 64133. You can also mail or deliver pre-registration forms and the minimum $75 contribution to Special Olympics Missouri Plunge 9150 E 41st Terrace, Suite 213, Kansas City, MO 64133.

Plunging participants will receive an official Polar Plunge commemorative shirt, bragging rights for freezing your fur off, and a Plunger meal (burger, chips and a drink). Participants can also receive incentives for reaching fundraising goals: $250 – Polar Plunge Beach Towel, $500 – Polar Plunge Sling Bag, $1,000 – Polar Plunge Stanley Cup and $2,000 – Polar Bear Touch Screen Gloves plus all other incentive items. Concessions and souvenirs will also be available.

SOMO is lucky to have two Plunge Ambassadors helping with this event. SOMO athletes Allen Tobin and Lynna Hogdson have been working for months to help spread awareness of the Plunge! Allen is also a staff member at SOMO! You can learn more about his story here! You can learn more about Lynna’s story here!

“I’m excited to be a Plunge Ambassador for the 2024 Polar Plunge because it’s the start of a new year, and I get to help raise money for a great organization like Special Olympics Missouri,” Tobin said. 

If you’d like to set up an interview with our Plunge Ambassador or receive any additional information about the Polar Plunge, please contact Christina McDonough Hunt at 816-535-9990 or email

Thank you so much to our sponsors!

  • Our Tundra Level sponsors are Pepper’s Pool and Spa, Pipefitters Local Union 533, Metro Air, Northpoint Development, Sunbelt Rentals, Flooring and More, Epic Electric Service Corp., and Bledsoe Rental
  • Our Arctic Level sponsors are Ferrellgas, ORI, Knights of Columbus #6819, and Lee’s Summit Underwater Rescue & Recovery