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Register now for ALPs University weekend

An athlete-leader gives a presentation to their Athlete Leadership class while a mentor looks on

The next ALPs University weekend will be Sept. 23-25, 2022 at the Training for Life Campus in Jefferson City. Sign up here for this fun-filled educational opportunity! There are a limited amount of spots, so don’t wait to sign up!

What is ALPs University?

Special Olympics Missouri’s Athlete Leadership Programs (ALPs) provide an opportunity for all of our athletes to pursue higher education. There are a variety of majors athlete leaders can choose to study to further their education. ALPs University is truly a program for EVERYONE, regardless of their learning style or prior education.

ALPs teaches our athletes how to apply their same passion and ability to learn in sports to the classroom. Our athlete leaders are empowered and challenged through our ALPs University program offerings. Throughout Special Olympics Missouri, athlete leaders take on impactful roles and responsibilities from many different ALPs initiatives, as well as in the workforce.

Quote from Athlete Leader Anna McDaniel (SOMO Board Member and Athlete Leadership Council President):

“My name is Anna McDaniel, and I have been a Special Olympics Missouri athlete for 20 years. I majored in coach and health degree in the ALPs program with SOMO in 2022. Special Olympics Missouri has greatly impacted my life by making friends for a lifetime, learning things I’m interested in and so much more through playing sports. Now, I’m enrolled in ALPs University training, and I am a stronger and more confident person.”

Quote from a parent of a SOMO Athlete Leader:

“Athlete Leadership is a stepping stone. When your child gets out of school, this is a college geared toward them. It shows them their strengths and urges them to use them. My daughter refers to this as her college and that’s exactly what it is.”

If you have any questions, please reach out to Pete Paciorek, Senior Director of Development & ALPs University Lead at: