For all TeamRaiser events

What is a TeamRaiser event? It's anything that looks like our fundraising pages that we use for Plunges and our Drive it Home Raffle.

Use these tips to reach your fundraising goal faster!



You may register as an individual, join an existing team or form a new team. You can always change your mind later, so choose whichever option seems most likely now. If you are joining as an individual, skip the next two sections. If you've Plunged before, please use the same username/login from a previous year. If you forgot your password, you can reset it yourself on the login page.

Forming a Team:

  • If you are part of an LETR agency or School, you may select an existing name from the list or enter a new name. This is not your team name; it will help us ensure your agency/school gets credit.
  • Because we have some LETR agencies and schools with the same name, be sure to select your Division. If you are not part of a LETR agency or school, you may leave this field blank or select None.

Joining a Team: 

  • Type your Team Name and click Search for a Team. Or, you may select your LETR Agency or School from the drop-down menu, and teams associated will populate.


  • Set your fundraising goal.
  • If you would like to make a gift with your registration, you may do so in this step. If you are registering for an event that has a registration fee, such as Over the Edge, this donation would be on top of the fee.
  • Next, you'll set up your personal information, username and password.
  • Read and accept the waiver.
  • You may register a team member if you'd like. They will receive an email prompting them to set up a username and password.
  • Click Complete Registration. Congratulations – you’re registered! It’s time to move on to building your webpage.




Once you have completed the registration process or logged into the site, you can build a fundraising webpage for collecting donations quickly and securely.

  • You will be taken to Participant Center. From here, you can see all of your activity within the event.
  • On the Personal Pagetab, you can edit the text on your page. Making it personal and explaining why you support this cause will make donors more likely to give to your page.
  • Be sure to Customizeyour web page link (for example, to make sharing your fundraising website easy and fast.
  • You may choose between displaying a photo or a video. From the right column, choose Photos/Video. Browse to choose a photo from your computer, or select the Video button and paste a YouTube link into the open field.
  • You may preview your page if you wish. Be sure to click Save once you are ready to save your changes.
  • If you are a team captain, you may follow the same steps on the Team Page tab to customize your team page.
    • To edit your team's name, LETR Agency/School or Division, click Edit from the right-hand column.




  • You can post to Facebook and Twitter directly from the your fundraising page. From your personal page, click the Facebook or Twitter button on the right side of the page. It will prompt you to log in, and you’ll have to allow the system access to post on your behalf. Follow the steps all the way through, and you will reach all of your connections in one fell swoop!
  • From your Participant Center, the Email tab allows you to ask for donations through email in just a few clicks. Click Use a Template for one of our pre-written messages. We have created three templates for you: one for soliciting donations, one for recruiting team members and one for thanking donors.
    • If you would like to import your emails from an email client like Yahoo, Gmail or Hotmail, click Choose from your contacts list underneath the To: field. Then click Import Contacts and choose your email client. You can also upload a .csv file if you have your contacts saved in an Excel document.
    • In Compose Message, you can set your greeting, enter email addresses and customize the text in your email. Remember, the more personal the message, the more likely people will be to make donations!
    • The system will automatically include a link to your page. Click the Preview button to see how it appears.
    • Click Send to finish the process.
    • In the right-hand column, you can see Sent messages and Drafts of the emails you have written through the system.
  • From the Progress tab, you can see the progress you’ve made toward your fundraising goal. You can also export an Excel file of your donors.
    • Under Donation History, you can choose to turn Gift Notifications on or off (you'll receive these by email).
    • You can change your contact info, username or password by clicking Profile from the very top of the Participant Center.



From the links on the top of the page, you can learn more about Special Olympics Missouri, get event details, register to volunteer at an event, make a general donation to the event (not credited to a participant) or inquire about sponsorship opportunities.



  • Once you have reached our event page, click the DONATE (If you have received a direct link to the participant’s page, you can skip to step 3.)
  • Enter the participant’s first and/or last name, then click Search. When their name appears, click on it to be directed to their fundraising page.
  • Click the Donate Now button at the top right of the page. You will be directed to a form to fill out your personal, credit card and billing information. You will have the option to give anonymously if you would prefer that your name not show up on the participant’s Honor Roll.




I participated last year, but it won't let me log in.
Participants must register for each event in which they'd like to participate.

Can I register multiple people at the same time?
No. There is no way to send multiple registrations in under the same account. Each Plunge participant that you register must have their own email address and log-in information.

What if someone I'm registering doesn't have an email address?
While each participant needs their own email address, if you're a teacher registering your class or a parent registering your children, a work-around for this can be to use your own email address and add +1 or +2 or +3 (and so on) to your email address. This will look like a new email address in our system, allow you to register AND depending on what email you use (we know it works with school accounts and Gmail accounts), whatever messages they were going to receive will forward to your email address. For example, say my email is and I have two others I need to sign up that either don't have email addresses or don't want to give out their email addresses. I'd use to sign up for me and to sign up for one person and for the second.

I can't log into my page.
From the login page, you may click "Forgot Username" or "Forgot Password" to have your password reset or emailed to you. If you are still unable to log in, please email us.

I need to change my team's name.
Log into your dashboard and click the Team Page tab. To edit your team's name, LETR Agency/School or Division, click Edit from the right-hand column.

How can I find my webpage link?
If you have set up a friendly URL, simply log into your Participant Center. Your link will be on the Personal Page tab just above your Title. If you did not set up a friendly URL, set one by clicking Customize. As of July 2020, you will not be able to use any friendly URLs that you've used previously. We apologize for the inconvenience.

How can I set up a friendly URL?
A personalized link for your webpage makes it easier to share with friends and family. For example, This can be done during registration. If you did not set one up during registration, simply log into your Participant Center and click the Personal Page tab. From there, you can Customize the friendly URL to use for your personal and team fundraising webpages.

Can I donate to a team?
Unfortunately, the system does not accommodate this. You will need to choose individual participant(s) and donate on each page. If you would prefer to make a team donation, you can mail a check to our office and list the participants to credit from the check.

How can I post my page to Facebook or Twitter?
Visit your webpage, then select the Facebook or Twitter button on the right side. It will prompt you to log in, and you’ll have to allow the system access to post on your behalf. Follow the steps all the way through, and you will reach all of your connections in one fell swoop!

I signed up for the wrong event.
Please email us with the your name, the event you are currently registered for, and which event you want to attend.

I want to donate with an eCheck.
We can accommodate this. Please email us.

Where are my offline donations? 
Offline donations will automatically post to your page once they’ve been processed at SOMO HQ. This usually takes about three weeks.

I want to update my fundraising goal. 
Log into your Participant Center and select the Progress tab. Underneath My Goal, click Change. Select Team from the right-hand column to update your Team's goal.

I registered as an individual, but now I want to start or join a team.
Please email us with your name, the name of the event you are registered for, and the name of the team you'd like to create/join.

I need to update my address, phone number or email address.
Log in, and then up at the top, it should say Welcome, Name! That is actually a link to your profile. Click that and you'll be able to edit your biographical info.

Why does it say "unsecure" at the top of the page?
https pages are not secure, while https pages are. Most of the pages within our fundraising sites do not contain sensitive information, therefore, they are not secure (https). However, once you get to the register or donation form, you’ll notice that it changes to https at the top and the “unsecure” warning goes away. Your information is fully protected.