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Spread The Word Inclusion Day

March 1, 2023

|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day first of March, repeating until March 5, 2025


Spread the Word Inclusion is an ongoing effort created by youth and is intended to engage schools, organizations and communities to rally and pledge their support and to promote inclusion and acceptance for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
• The annual day of awareness is held the first Wednesday of March. Schools can celebrate with a one day event or a week of Disability Awareness, Respect Week, or Kindness Week.
• Students can sign a poster or electronically sign an inclusion pledge.
• You could use the Special Olympics pledge “I pledge to look for the lonely, the isolated, the left out, the challenged and the bullied. I pledge to overcome the fear of difference and replace it with the power of inclusion. I #ChooseToInclude,” your students could collaborate to write an inclusion pledge that is unique to your school, or you could create an open ended opportunity for students to determine what action they will take to include others.


Visit www.spreadtheword.global/pledge to take the Pledge to Include!

More information about Spread the Word Inclusion.

Check out more resources for schools on our website at www.somo.org/ucs.

Contact ucs@somo.org for more information.



March 1, 2023