At-Home Programming

Starting in March 2020 as a response to the coronavirus outbreak around the world, Special Olympics Missouri created a series of programming options for athletes, coaches, and volunteers to take part in from the safety of their homes. The program, called #SOMOAtHome, includes health & wellness exercises/lessons, as well as leadership and life skills courses.

If you have questions about the programming offered or want to join the committee of athletes, staff, and volunteers who run the program, email us!


Sponsors of #SOMOatHome include:

Concrete Strategies, Sertoma Club of St. Joseph, General Mills, P&G Manufacturing, P&G Paper Products, Siemens PLM, Kirksville Motor Co., Hy-Vee of St. Joseph, and JW Terrill.


#SOMOatHome sessions occur at 4 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday via the Special Olympics Missouri Facebook page.


You can also see links to the best of the best sessions since March below and always view the past month's worth of sessions below as well. To view all past #SOMOatHome sessions dating back to March 2020, you can check those out via our YouTube playlist or by visiting our YouTube channel (links below).

Upcoming sessions

We have #SOMOatHome sessions via our Facebook page on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4 p.m. Below are our special sessions that may require registration. Questions? 

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Most recent #SOMOatHome sessions

The links below will be updated on a weekly basis showing the most recent month's worth of #SOMOatHome sessions. 

Best of the best #SOMOatHome sessions

Below are some of our favorite #SOMOatHome sessions separated out by category. Keep checking back here frequently as we'll update this with new sessions as they happen.