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2024 Gary Brimer Sports Camp: Day 1

DSC 6132

Monday June 17, 2024

Lynna Hodgson (athlete leader/PR assistant) — I woke up before my alarm went off, which was set for 6:30am. I got ready for the day and ate breakfast at the dinning hall. We had a few options for breakfast, which I found very refreshing. After breakfast I got on the bus to go to the TLC. Once the bus arrived at the TLC campus, went to see the nurse to  get my meds. After that, I saw Kayla and we talked about what the plan for the day was. I took pictures all morning because Kayla was teaching ALP’s (Athlete Leadership)- at first I thought I would be overwhelmed but I found out I wasn’t. I went to find the camp schedule for the morning routine. Here are the rotations the athletes did:

  • Powerlifting  (explained and understanding the equipment – tried out to lift the bar)
  • Tennis
  • ALP’s (Athlete Leadership Programs- Intro to ALPs course)
  • Softball (catching and throwing)
  • Flag Football- TLC field (learning how to catch and throw

After the morning sessions, we all got on the bus and went to dinning hall to eat lunch. I sat with some athlete in the swordfish group. I talked with them and asked them how their day was going so far. I also asked what their best part was so far and this what what they said:

An athlete response was:

“ I liked softball, because I can practice for my sport”

“ I liked powerlifting because it’s something new”

After lunch we walked to our dorms. I rested once I got back into my room. I charged everything up and laid down. My experience from the morning schedule was very positive. I saw how athletes are very supportive of other athletes, and that warmed my heart. I love seeing the smiles on the athletes faces when they tried something new. After the R&R time, we got back on the bus to head back to the TLC.

Once we got back to TLC, it was time for the afternoon routine. The afternoon rotations were:

  • Pickle ball
  • Disc Golf
  • Health/Wellness
  • Bocce
  • Cornhole

I asked an athlete what their favorite part of their afternoon session was and the athlete said “I really liked bocce!”

After our last session, we all met up in the gym and went group by group to get dinner. After dinner was the evening activity, which was the movie “finding dory”.

The best part of my day was when I saw the athletes helping each other and the smiles on their faces. I also loved when I would hear someone say “YES! I caught the ball!” or when I would hear “I love this sport!” 

We can can check off day one! Day 2 here we come!