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’18 Team Missouri: Lynna Hodgson (FINAL Day of Competition)

These posts come from track and field athlete Lynna Hodgson. They were originally posted on her personal blog and re-posted here with her permission. They are unedited.

So I woke up at 5:30am. Today Shaquana and I compete in shot put. That’s our last event for the whole games. The relay competes today. I’m excited to watch them. We are at the track and Dustin is the first one to compete, he is the first one to compete today, he will be doing the mini javelin. It’s 4:21pm. I feel like I did a really good job with my shot put. I got 2nd place!! I threw it 6 meters!! I just got my award for the 200 meter run and I got bronze!! Tonight we are watching the Seattle Mariners vs Los Angels! I got Nebraska pin, I need one more, then I’m done!